Let the Autumn in. 0 Comments

 Autumn is fast approaching. It’s happening all around us; the leaves are falling, incense is burning and our cupboards are calling out for jars of lentils and sacks of sweet potatoes. But then, Autumn is also a state of mind. This is the time of year that we feel the need to take stock, gather our thoughts, make some changes - we hunker down and grab all those happy summer memories and musings, then pickle and preserve them to keep us nourished through the dark Winter months. 


Photo by Cole Keister from Pexels


But wait… before we pack away our baggy T-shirts and breezy beach dresses to start burrowing away, buying winter veggies and brushing up on our layering tactics, let’s take a moment to reflect. Too often in life we flutter along merrily, and don’t take a moment to drink it all in and be mindful. It’s especially vital in these baffling and uncertain times to take stock, appreciate the small things we can count on, and realign ourselves with nature. 


Yes. Nature. How many of us have benefited from beach rambles and sea swims in these past few months? It’s truly magical, how freeing it is for your mind. The fresh air in your lungs and salt on your skin make your consciousness contemplate. Floating in the water - or pushing against a current - sharpens you up and gives your thoughts fire. As you undress on the beach it’s like you’re actively peeling away your worries and fears, bit by bit, before casting them aside to bathe in peace. And then you find yourself, your mind, completely in the present. That’s what we need, all year round. We can’t let this magic slip away in the colder months, looming ahead. 


Woodland wanderings are also very precious, and enlightening. As you walk, you feel the snap of twigs under your feet and hear the wind in trees overhead and it’s like you’re right there, in the moment as the seasons are changing around you. 


Want to find a place for the perfect musing meander, in the UK? Maybe try using a site such as National Trails, where you can pick a walk by distance and days (the usual) but also select landscape types and themes! To our friends from elsewhere, Walks Worldwide may be the best place for you. Also, the lovely folk at Wanderlust wrote a post about the 37 Best Walks in the World, if you’re feeling more ambitious, and wanting to do something epic. 


Photo by Max Andrey from Pexels


This season's poem inspiration... 

Everything on the earth bristled, the bramble

pricked and the green thread

nibbled away, the petal fell, falling

until the only flower was the falling itself.

Water is another matter,

has no direction but its own bright grace,

runs through all imaginable colors,

takes limpid lessons

from stone,

and in those functionings plays out

the unrealized ambitions of the foam.

-- Pablo Neruda, ‘Water’.


Right now, we're loving... 

Backpacks! These beauties are from Arbor, the American hike and skate brand. Perfect for all your autumnal outdoor adventures. 


The warm, comforting knitwear. How about this gorgeous jumper? It genuinely feels like a hug when it's on, and the warmth doesn't peter out around your neck! And it's perfect paired with the St Leonards Halston Mini Bag.



These sweet, handmade Indian pocket notebooks; ideal for journaling your traveling experiences, or just jotting down musings. We recommend buying two; one for travel, one for your bedside table. You'd be surprised what your dreams can tell you, when you write them down after waking. 



The new album by Keane, the brilliant band originally from our Battle & Hastings area. 'Cause and Effect' is just the right mix of mellow, thoughtful and energising. And for those of you sitting in cafes on a rainy day, with a steaming mug of chai, we prescribe the super gentle Autumn Acoustics playlist on Spotify. 


A note from K...

There's nothing quite like a wet and windy day to get the cogs whirring…

It's often when I'm sewing and concentrating on the harmonious hum of the motor, or guiding the fabric into the feed that my mind wanders and wonders.

Right now, I'm thinking about how far I've come with my business thanks to my mentor Ali Mapletoft and how her guidance is now leading me towards my role as a nurturer and guide to help others in their creative businesses. Looking at what I've achieved, and enjoying that feeling feels so GOOD NOW. I remember how much I used to moan about stuff as if I was the victim of my business, every week and month felt like a battle and the world was conspiring against me - when I think how much time I wasted comparing myself with others!!! - it's ridiculous -

Now, I use the time to celebrate where I work: in this stunning coastal shop, and how my life is happy and fulfilled in this creative Seaside town. 

I'm now ready to step it up a gear and can't wait to get started with this next phase of creativity - helping OTHERS to fulfill their creative potential!

I want to teach you to burst that looming balloon that's full of hot air like "Creatives are always broke" and "You can't succeed without a financial investor".

If you KNOW you're stuck in a rut with creativity, motivation, AND finance - PLEASE GET IN TOUCH. I've got some new programmes in the pipeline as well as the ones already available on my website - click the photo of me below to read about those, and contact me directly through abrandisborn@gmail.com for any questions and to find out some other offers I have brewing.

I'd really love to hear from you! 

K x