VISION BOARD WORKSHOP Sunday 4th February 2018 0 Comments

New Year resolutions can often feel too daunting to make; as if you're setting yourself up for a fail and with these interminably bleak Winter days it can add more dread to what should be a fun exercise in making plans to achieve your personal life goals. So instead, why not try a new way to set your intentions for a more fulfilling future, and join me at the shop when I host a Vision Board workshop on Sunday 4th February?

No crystal balls required - just an open mind and a decent pair of scissors will do it! Vision boards are similar to mood boards, except their purpose is to inspire you into creating dreams that will come true rather than an inspirational interior design scheme. As you're both client AND creative director, YOU get to choose how your board will look - will it be full of long-haul travel destinations, the ideal greenhouse for your verdant back garden, or will you focus on a new hobby that could become your dream job?
The idea is that you cut out images that appeal to you and add key words and phrases to hit the message home. And then when you've fine tuned the arrangement, you stick it down and you hang it up! - somewhere where you'll see it daily, and let the magic do its thing. Many therapists, writers and visionaries all agree that by expressing your hopes and dreams visually, they're far more likely to happen, and I've got personal experience of its success. 2 years before I opened my store, I had been sitting at my desk in front of a pin board with images of my ideal studio space, aspirational store fronts and modern retail interiors. I had pictures of the type of clothes I'd like to sell, books and branding I liked, alongside a classic Max Mara coat that I've always wanted too. I knew I wanted to open a store, but had no idea HOW ! It seemed as impossible as winning the lottery. But amazingly, just a year later, a friend told me in confidence about a shop that was becoming available, a week later I was sat opposite the landlords convincing them I'd be a great tenant and then, I had about 3 weeks to find the 3 month's rent for the deposit. Without any savings I had to think big and fast! I began pitching to all my friends, family and online customers about crowdfunding and before anything was even confirmed or the lease signed I'd secured some amazing brands like Superga and Taschen who'd agreed to sell me their products on the basis of my pin board vision! - remember this was without the store even having opened and NO money in the bank! It's now 2018 and I've been trading at the store for 14 months and although the learning curve is steep, business is growing steadily.
( So I'll keep you posted when I can buy myself that Max Mara coat! )

To add power to this relaxing yet highly productive creative experience, I've invited my yoga teacher Ruth Birch to set the workshop on a positive note. There's no need to get nervous, imagining hairy-toed sandals, with incense burners and dream-catchers, Ruth is going to use the same friendly and encouraging style as she exudes in her weekly yoga classes at the Kino Teatr to lead us in a seated meditation to help fine tune our minds and hearts into a positive frame of mind so we can set our intentions for the next few months and years to come!
(Click this link for Weald Power Yoga to find out more)

The session will start at 11am and finish at 4pm and during this time you'll be offered some welcome refreshments and have a guided meditation. You'll then be given a few guidelines on how to make the most of the workshop and be shown a few examples of vision boards. There will be plenty of magazines to pull images from, as well as the mounting boards, assorted paper, glue, and letter printing tools to help the creative process flow. We'll then take a well-earned break at 1pm where you can go out and get lunch at one of the many nearby seaside cafes and restaurants, get to know more about your fellow attendees, or simply take a walk on the beach to take stock of the beautiful visions you've been creating. The workshop will then continue between 2pm and 4pm and will be closed with a brief "show and tell" session to share your future intentions with the group.
There are just 6 places available for this workshop and each place costs £25.
If you'd like to reserve your place please send me an email to with "VISION WORKSHOP FEBRUARY" in the Subject Heading
Ruth and I look forward to seeing you in February!
Best wishes, K